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Production Services: Pros to shoot in Spain (II)

Production Services in Spain

One of the best ways to make a good film is through the co-production system. International co-productions are very important in the film industry, each year the number of European co-productions increases as well as the amount of individual country participations. This is possible due to the advantages of shooting a film between two countries or more, such as financial and technical resources, access to incentives, subsidies and a new market, cultural benefits and the opportunity to exchange experiences.

Shooting in Spain
has all this pros and even more. First and foremost, the economical incentives are quite good. As the Spain Film Commission confirms on its catalogue there is a deduction of 18% of the cost of film or series production in the shape of tax deductions, Economic Interest Groupings (EIG) and subsidies from the Ministry of Culture of Spain and also from the Autonomous Communities.

What is more, the Spanish infrastructure and transportation network makes easy travelling to and around the country without any problem. The Spain Film Commission underlines that one of the reasons that makes of Spain the top holiday destination is the high quality of accommodations and caterings for all kinds of budgets

In conclusion, the co-production system supports the pros to shoot in Spain.


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